"So, you're still Master of your Domain?"

- Seinfeld

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Fog Computing, the Next Big Thing?

Storage plays a very significant role in technology... almost every gadget... every system developed should use storage... Anything that uses data requires storage. The common storage that everyone are aware about are: the computer's internal memory, disks/diskettes (back in the days), external storage devices such as thumb drives, external hard disks and of course, the ever so huge mainframes. Until "Cloud" came, where, users store their data that...

Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Facebook's always been the first target of spammers because of its popularity and frequency of users that go online to browse, to read, to share, to comment and to interact... So anything that catches one's attention may be multiplied into ten to a thousand.... or even a million. Catchy shoutouts, colourful images,  actually the personalized captions catch the people's attention more than the ones that were written professionally. So...

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Stuck at Stocks

After news headlines, we usually find the business section on newspapers and finance segments on tv. It is a quite overwhelming, when you come  to think of it... if you are not a business and finance graduate you probably would wonder the relevance of shares going up and down. You probably wonder and later assume that if company x's shares are down then the whole business is goinig down the drain. Lately I have encountered some friends who...

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

WHAT on Earth is IOT?

THAT was my  question when I read an article about IoT. First, let me just tell you what IOT stands for - Internet of Things. It does sound so fancy... a mouthful... yet again, fancy. It's like, a world full of chocolates... or of awesomeness. Well actually I did have a read and IOT is really awesome. To give you an easier insight here's CISCO's video: So now the question is how is everything going to be connected to the internet? And how could everything interact without human to human or human to computer interaction? This is through...

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Sweet Eyes

On January 16, 2014, Google announced their latest innovation- the smart contact lens. This is not your ordinary contact lens that could either help you gain a clearer vision or enhance your eye colour from brown to neon green. The smart contact lens may help a lot of people suffering from diabetes. According to World Health Organization's website,  there are 347 million people worldwide have diabetes and estimated to be the 7th leading cause...

Monday, 20 January 2014

3D better than ever!

Who would have thought that 3D could be much more than just  ink and paper? 2014 is the renaissance of brand new 3D!  In the future generations, when people would hear the word 3D, they would probably think of a variety of things not just a simple screen. MakerBot Replicator Mini revealed that it is possible to produce a 3D image as an object. At this stage, only 3D printable toys can be produced that ar going to be available in a digital store.  People may be wondering why we must go for 3D Printing? In my opinion,...

Domains Today

Domains Today

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