Wednesday, 22 January 2014

WHAT on Earth is IOT?

THAT was my  question when I read an article about IoT. First, let me just tell you what IOT stands for - Internet of Things. It does sound so fancy... a mouthful... yet again, fancy.

It's like, a world full of chocolates... or of awesomeness. Well actually I did have a read and IOT is really awesome. To give you an easier insight here's CISCO's video:

So now the question is how is everything going to be connected to the internet? And how could everything interact without human to human or human to computer interaction? This is through unique numbers assigned to everything - people, animals, objects or any natural or man made objects that can be given an IP address and able to transmit all information over a network.

I have researched for possible scenarios that may help you visualize how IoT works.  Here are 2 of my favourites:

1) The ability to single out a chair from half way across the world and figure out if it is occupied, and the identity or even the full profile of the person / animal / occupying the chair.  (READ:

How the Internet of Things will change the world)

2) A car with built in sensors would be able to alert the driver when the tire pressure is low.
READ Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is controversial and often a big topic of every debate. There are things that we have to consider when we go online... risks, precautions, factors that may cause you money, reputation or your own identity. What more if your existence can be controlled by the just series of numbers? What are the security measures that should be put in place? Would a fire wall work? Would the data be protected from hackers or cyber thieves? Can someone's identity can possibly be interchanged to a different person? What if the database was formatted? What if a virus infected the whole network? Would the world stop?

It's fancy yes. But then again... is the world ready for the next level of awesomeness?

- END-

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