"So, you're still Master of your Domain?"

- Seinfeld

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Fog Computing, the Next Big Thing?

Storage plays a very significant role in technology... almost every gadget... every system developed should use storage... Anything that uses data requires storage. The common storage that everyone are aware about are: the computer's internal memory, disks/diskettes (back in the days), external storage devices such as thumb drives, external hard disks and of course, the ever so huge mainframes. Until "Cloud" came, where, users store their data that I can almost perceive as "virtual storage". You can save your data without any physical storage device. All you need is your computer/mobile gadget, internet connection and a cloud access.

Think of cloud like a hosting service online. A third party is required to host the cloud storage and these are the companies that own and maintain the physical storage systems. Nowadays Cloud storage is used by companies, to keep their client's portfolio's, store correspondences, and so on.  Cloud has become very effective and popular, more people use it, and the demand increases as the time passes.

Image courtesy of moggara12 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
To improve the transmission of data, the idea of Fog computing was introduced. With Fog computing. contents will be be delivered through a more geographically based platform. The closer, the better, the transmission is quicker.

Cisco systems, the company that is so keen to be on top of the Internet of Things aka Internet o Everything. The data will be transmitted wirelessly, but unlike Cloud, Fog is believed to be way much faster, more mobile, reliable, and can be easily adopted by the different industries.

Fog will not replace Cloud but to enhance or optimize its capabilities by user data isolation that should remain on the edge.

When everything is automated, transmitted wirelessly, Fog will lessen the d
uration of transmission and would improve every user experience.

- End



Wednesday 29 January 2014


Facebook's always been the first target of spammers because of its popularity and frequency of users that go online to browse, to read, to share, to comment and to interact... So anything that catches one's attention may be multiplied into ten to a thousand.... or even a million. Catchy shoutouts, colourful images,  actually the personalized captions catch the people's attention more than the ones that were written professionally.

So fake spam posts are not very common, they appear randomly... Facebook has always been very good in getting rid of these type of contents... I call these facebook worms...  similar to the idea of opening an email from a friend, and thought it was legit so you downloaded the content... and there you go... you have been sending out the same type of email to the rest of your  contacts behind your knowledge.

Facebook worms can be easily identified. Although these could come up in different forms, with a common denominator: the strange, unpopular, or misleading external link.

Strange links can be shortened web addresses, or unreadable web addresses. Unpopular links are the web addresses that you've never heard before... and the misleading external links are the web addresses that may read link google, youtube or daily motion: gougler.com  yuotubs.com, diarymotion.com (these are just examples... I've googled these to ensure that I am not offending any existing legit sites)

Facebook worms can be posted as photos, stories,  applications, games, but the most popular are the videos... the SCANDALOUS or PORNOGRAPHIC VIDEOS. Some users get so overwhelmed, to even check the link before going ahead... Even though Facebook has put a prompt  to come up automatically prior to the redirection still, the users neglect the fact that they may be putting their Facebook account, their browsers, or their computers at risk. 
Here is a screenshot of the most recent Facebook worm that everyone clicked... as a result, everyone from their friends list were tagged. It just won't do anything apart from over riding some information on your account, and unsolicited tagging of your friends... and the theme... there is actually no theme.




Sunday 26 January 2014

Stuck at Stocks

After news headlines, we usually find the business section on newspapers and finance segments on tv. It is a quite overwhelming, when you come  to think of it... if you are not a business and finance graduate you probably would wonder the relevance of shares going up and down. You probably wonder and later assume that if company x's shares are down then the whole business is goinig down the drain.

Lately I have encountered some friends who have sort of mentioned stock buying and trading. Everything that they said were all new to me. Although I see it on TV, and believe me I watch the news presenter carefully while they talk about the line graphs and charts... but then yeah all what those figures meant to me were profits and losses or perhaps revenues and losses. I was drowned with the amount of information that I have to ingest in order to comprehend what my friends were trying to say... but sadly... all I knew that one of them lost something and won something the next day.... that's it. But hell yeah, that friend of mine did make a good amount of money... a good investment. I am drawn to the idea that your money is invested to something that can make could returns at the end of the day.

I wanted to speak to my parents who had a degree in Business/Finance field... they may somehow enlighten me... but I thought I must look it up on the web and see if there is something that I could find useful... Hallelujah!!! Thanks WikiHow! This is the only site that sort of given me the basic and most straightforward details that I need as a newbie. 

First of all like in schools, I must define what a stock means (in business perspective). According to investopedia.com, the definition of "stock" is a type of security that signifies ownership and represents claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings. So therefore, an ordinary individual like myself buys a certain number of stocks from a company, it means I own a certain portion of that company's assets and earnings. An owner of a stock is also known as a shareholder.  

Now there are two types of a stock: the common and preferred:
1) Common stock - the owners of this kind of stock have to advantage to vote at shareholders' meetings and receive dividends.
2) Preferred stock - the owners do not have the right to vote but they could claim higher assets and earnings than the common stocks/shares.

Stocks are very important to every company it is said to be the foundation of almost all portfolios. 

Here's what I was so keen to find out... HOW DO I BUY STOCKS? 

Here's how according to WIKIHOW (well of course I re-worded my version)

 - Do your research first on stock investing. Wikihow recommended the book  "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham. But if you can't get hold of this book... go online... and type in "how to buy stocks for beginners". Browse through the results and find a site that gives you straight forward details... some sites can be very overwhelming.... I mean c'mon, most beginners probably have no idea on finance related terms... the more of these terms come up the more a newbie gets frustrated. One more thing that really does put me off... is the length of the information outlined at some sites that I came across... for a beginner... that is overwhelming... 
***WIKIHOW says, the rule of thumb with stocks is to BUY LOW and SELL HIGH. Wow. That is something... a bit of common sense isn't it. OF COURSE,, you profit from something you bought cheap and then sold a little bit more expensive. 
         Example, buy 100 shares of stock priced at $20 each. This means that you have invested $2,000. After two years and the stock price rises to $30, your $2,000 investment becomes, $3,000 worth of investment... and that is $1000 profit!
         In every business, there is always a downside... we'll flip the coin this time. If you but 100 shares of a stocked priced at $60 each, which makes a $6,000 investment, And apparently after 2 two years, the stock price has fallen to $30, the $6000 investment will then reduced to a $3000 investment which gives you a loss of $3000.

2) Never get confused on stock prices with the value of the company. These are two different things.
Market Capitalization is the value of the company aka market cap. This is determined by multiplying the stock price of a company by the number of shares that it has issued.
      If a stock price of a company is $100, and the company has issued 500,000 shares, the market cap is $50,000,000.
      If CompanyA whose stock price is $10 can have a higher market cap than companyB whose stock price is $30 if Company A has five times as many shares issued as the second.

Remember that the market cap is the overall value of the company shares and NOT the value of the company itself. 

Learning stocks does not happen overnight and does not really help if you in-depth straight away without understanding the basics. Stock prices are affected by the people's opinions on how they think companies are performing. 
    A stock price goes up if more people are buying than selling. And a stock price goes down when people want to sell the stock than buy it.
    A company can have a strong stock price and a lot of shares and still overvalued because the people are confident that the company is worth more that it actually is. On the other hand the company can be undervalued even if it has and average stock price and fewer shares because people believe that the company is worth less than it actually is.
  The goal to trading stocks is to buy undervalued stocks and and sell overvalued stocks.

4) Fix your finances. Pay off your debts and minimize the loans you are pulling out. Ideally high interest loans should be paid off apart from mortgages. Build three to six months worth of expenses in  separate savings account before buying stocks.

5)  Even though buying stocks is promising, you still have to plan and consider how much stocks could fit into your overall budget. This is as to whether you should buy individual stocks or mutual funds.

 Mutual Funds are a collection of stocks bundled in a group. If you invested in a mutual fund that has 100 stocks. The increase of value of one of the companies in the mutual fund  could make a lot of difference to your investment. On the other hand, if the value of one of the companies decreases in the mutual fund, there may be no serious implications to  your investment.

Investing on individual stocks is risky but it comes with higher rewards. If you buy individual stocks and the value of the stock fails then you are like to lose a lot from your investment. But if the value of the stock goes extremely up,  you are likely to earn more profits than your investment in mutual fund.

6) Awareness and Diligence. Research on the copy that you will be investing in. Go to online financial sites for an overview of the business and its key financial ratios.

7) Make a list of your prospective companies. This list would have the companies that you are going to hold on to no matter what. Set a target price and stick with it. Stick with your strategy over a long period of time.  When you set your target and the stock hits the target price, you buy and continue buying as the stock becomes lower.

So these are the points that I have read at WIKIHOW.COM.

And when you get stuck on stocks, you can also learn the methods of buying stocks : http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-Stocks


Wednesday 22 January 2014

WHAT on Earth is IOT?

THAT was my  question when I read an article about IoT. First, let me just tell you what IOT stands for - Internet of Things. It does sound so fancy... a mouthful... yet again, fancy.

It's like, a world full of chocolates... or of awesomeness. Well actually I did have a read and IOT is really awesome. To give you an easier insight here's CISCO's video:

So now the question is how is everything going to be connected to the internet? And how could everything interact without human to human or human to computer interaction? This is through unique numbers assigned to everything - people, animals, objects or any natural or man made objects that can be given an IP address and able to transmit all information over a network.

I have researched for possible scenarios that may help you visualize how IoT works.  Here are 2 of my favourites:

1) The ability to single out a chair from half way across the world and figure out if it is occupied, and the identity or even the full profile of the person / animal / occupying the chair.  (READ:

How the Internet of Things will change the world)

2) A car with built in sensors would be able to alert the driver when the tire pressure is low.
READ Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is controversial and often a big topic of every debate. There are things that we have to consider when we go online... risks, precautions, factors that may cause you money, reputation or your own identity. What more if your existence can be controlled by the just series of numbers? What are the security measures that should be put in place? Would a fire wall work? Would the data be protected from hackers or cyber thieves? Can someone's identity can possibly be interchanged to a different person? What if the database was formatted? What if a virus infected the whole network? Would the world stop?

It's fancy yes. But then again... is the world ready for the next level of awesomeness?

- END-

NEEDING IoT domains?

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Sweet Eyes

On January 16, 2014, Google announced their latest innovation- the smart contact lens. This is not your ordinary contact lens that could either help you gain a clearer vision or enhance your eye colour from brown to neon green. The smart contact lens may help a lot of people suffering from diabetes.
According to World Health Organization's website,  there are 347 million people worldwide have diabetes and estimated to be the 7th leading cause of death in year 2030[1].

And finally, Google has come up with the smart contact lens that is built to measure glucose levels in tears with the use of tiny wireless chip and miniaturised glucose sensor. The glucose sensor are embedded between two layers of soft lens material. The prototypes are currently being tested and investigated.

photo by: Google

Google is looking into finding partners who would use the smart contact lens and develop tools that would make provide the ideal sizes for the patient and the doctor.

Hopeful and keen, from Google's blog, they indicated that the smart contact lens is worth the shot.  ITWorld's Florence Lon spoke to 5 diabetics and confirmed that they are keen to use / try this new creation. [READ ITWORLD ARTICLE HERE]

[1] Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2011. 



Monday 20 January 2014

3D better than ever!

Who would have thought that 3D could be much more than just  ink and paper? 2014 is the renaissance of brand new 3D!  In the future generations, when people would hear the word 3D, they would probably think of a variety of things not just a simple screen. MakerBot Replicator Mini revealed that it is possible to produce a 3D image as an object. At this stage, only 3D printable toys can be produced that ar going to be available in a digital store. 

People may be wondering why we must go for 3D Printing? In my opinion, aside from experience, you can keep 3D printed objects as memorabilia, home or office decorations, wedding tokens, and you can give these away as presents for any occassions.

I have also seen photos of 3D chocolates and cakes! 3D Systems have this machine called Chefjet Pro 3D that could produce edible sugar in full color.

Perhaps one day, we'd be able to see more things from this innovation of 3D... It could be a common house hold, may also be a good use in crime investigations, schools, security checks, engineering and architecture.

So, would you spend to 3D Print yourself?


Check out this 3D domain:

Domains Today

Domains Today

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